City Development
Charges (DC) By-Law
Brampton’s Development Charges By-law includes several clauses that provide substantial cost savings for businesses looking to establish or expand operations. Development charges are typically levied on new construction to help fund infrastructure and services. However, Brampton offers key exemptions and reductions to facilitate businesses‘ growth.
Office developments that are freestanding or part of mixed-use projects are exempt from paying the City’s portion of DC’s, provided there is a minimum total floor area of 20,000 sqft of office space and provided the office space supports research and lab space, advanced manufacturing, food and beverage processing, health and life sciences, innovation and technology, or professional services. This can result in significant savings, making building or expanding office spaces more affordable. Accessory uses that are part of or attached to the primary office use are also exempt from the payment of DC’s, provided the area of such uses is less than the area of the primary office use.
If you’re repurposing an existing non-residential building for a new use, you may be eligible for the DC “top-up” to be waived. Non-Industrial DC’s are more expensive than the Industrial rate, which are cost prohibitive for some new businesses. This can benefit entrepreneurs and new companies that can’t afford the rent of new facilities. This clause encourages the reuse of older properties and can breathe new life into existing spaces.
Expanding an existing industrial facility? This clause exempts expansions from DC’s, making it easier for manufacturers and industrial businesses to grow their operations. If a development includes the enlargement of the gross floor area of an existing industrial building by 50% or less, the amount of the DC in respect of the enlargement is zero.
If you are demolishing part or all of a non-residential building, the development charges for the redevelopment project may be reduced. To qualify, you must provide a copy of the original demolition permit, and the redevelopment must occur:
- Within 10 years of the demolition permit being issued.
- On the same lot or block as the demolished building.