Business Headline, Innovation & Technology|

The Brampton Innovation District is proud to join the Global Institute of Innovation Districts (GIID), a network of leading innovation districts from around the world. As a member of GIID, the Brampton Innovation District is helping to shape the future of innovation and entrepreneurship. 

The GIID is a collaborative network that brings together innovation districts from around the world to share best practices and collaborate on new ideas. The network includes some of the most innovative and dynamic districts in the world, including the Cambridge Innovation Center in Boston, the Barcelona Innovation District, and the Innovation District in the heart of Washington D.C.  

The GIID Global Network is enhancing research and best practices with innovation districts worldwide. These activities benefit governments, investors, and stakeholder by promoting economic development, social inclusion, and investment. Participating districts tackle issues like unique R&D strengths, industry attraction, pandemic and climate change responses. They exchange organizational templates, focusing on governance and finance, and strategize to broaden employment and education for disadvantaged populations. 

Now, the Brampton Innovation District, along with a select group of other districts, has joined a new cohort that is part of the Global Network of Innovation Districts, to develop and highlight our more sustainable model. GIID launched the Global Network in March of 2022 with an initial cohort of 23 districts and is now expanding the network to include approximately 20 additional districts. 

As a member of the GIID, the Brampton Innovation District is able to connect with other leading innovation districts and share insights and ideas. This collaboration helps to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in Brampton and beyond. 

The Brampton Innovation District is committed to driving innovation and entrepreneurship in the region and is proud to be involved in the GIID. Through collaboration and innovation, the district is helping to shape the future of business and entrepreneurship in Brampton and beyond. 

The Global Institute is led by its founder, Julie Wagner, who drew the world’s attention to the growing impact of innovation districts by co-authoring “The Rise of Innovation Districts”, a report published in 2014 by the Brookings Institution. Subsequently, Wagner has co-authored key research to codify this evolving model of place-based innovation, notably “The Evolution of innovation Districts: The New Geography of Global Innovation”, published by the GIID in 2019. Find out more: 

The Brampton Innovation District’s involvement in the Global Institute of Innovation Districts is a testament to the district’s commitment to driving innovation and entrepreneurship. By collaborating with other leading innovation districts from around the world, the district is helping to shape the future of business and entrepreneurship in Brampton and beyond. 

To learn more about the new program that GIID is launching for new districts in the Global Network– please click here to learn more

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