Innovation & Technology|

Panel Discussion with Industry and Educators to be hosted March 6, 2019

The City of Brampton is hosting a panel discussion on Cybersecurity at City Hall on the evening of March 6, 2019. The free event is open to the public and brings industry experts and educators together to share insights on the important and expanding area of cybersecurity, as well as share opportunities within the city. Registration is openhere​.

The panellists will include:
Charles Finlay, Executive Director of Cybersecure Catalyst (Ryerson University)
Mark Buchner, Professor at Sheridan’s School of Applied Computing
Huw Evans, Manager of Security at IT Weapons
Danny Timmins, National Cyber Security Leader, MNP
Alexander Ferworn, Academic Coordinator for the Certificate in Computer Security and Digital Forensics at The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University

Digital technologies and the internet are increasingly important to innovation and economic growth, and good cyber security is critical to Canada’s competitiveness, economic stability, and long-term prosperity.

Canadian businesses spent $14 billion on cybersecurity in 2017 alone. Industries range from banking to universities, oil and gas, and telecommunications. Cyber defense is a team sport, according to the Government of Canada. Government, industry, academia, and civil society must all work together to strengthen Canada’s cyber security.

The City of Brampton has assembled an expert panel to discuss issues and opportunities around in this public event for businesses, industry professionals and anyone interested in learning more about what’s being done about cybersecurity or joining the industry.

Why now and why in Brampton?

Cybersecure Catalyst (a first-of-a-kind national centre for cybersecurity) is planning their presence in downtown Brampton, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education has begun offering cybersecurity courses at Brampton City Hall (as part of their Certificate in Computer Security and Digital Forensics), Sheridan offers various cybersecurity programs at their Brampton Davis Campus, and development plans for the City’s Centre for Innovation continues.

Event Details
March 6, 2019 at 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Brampton City Hall Conservatory
2 Wellington Street West

Register free for the March 6 panel on Cybersecurity in Bramptonhere​. ​​ ​​

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