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Brampton is connected to your customers and markets.
The Brampton Investment Office is here to support you in the process of expanding or moving your business in Brampton.
Brampton has the largest inventory of vacant land next to Canada’s largest international airport — North America’s second-busiest international airport. This vacant includes designated residential and employment land for new construction.
Downtown Brampton is closer to Toronto Pearson than downtown Toronto, and Brampton is only a 90-minute drive to the U.S. border.
Brampton also is home to CN’s largest intermodal facility in Canada and is accessible through an extensive 400-series provincial highway network.
Business Park Guide
1 North West Sandalwood
The North West Sandalwood business park is primarily zoned for industrial use (70%).is located north of Bovaird Drive and west of Hurontario Street. It occupied approximately thirty acres of available and highly sought after vacant industrial lands at the southwest corner of Sandalwood Parkway and Hurontario Street.
Major Employers: Alectra Utilities, Canadian Tire Distribution Centre, Sotawall Inc. (HQ), Day and Ross Inc., Dymin Steel, Brampton Brick Limited (HQ), A. Berger Precision Ltd., The Stevens Company (HQ), Armacell Canada Inc., The Peelle Company Ltd. (HQ), The Fashion Distributors (HQ), Performance Auto Group (HQ), Itwal Ltd. (HQ), Vulsay Industries (Safety Kleen)
2 Bram West
Much of the lands are already zoned and/or designated, in addition to being well-serviced, to accommodate major office and industrial development. Amenities in the area include prestigious golf courses such as the Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre, restaurants, retail and other service commercial uses. The Bram West business park remains popular for a number of reasons, including its proximity to the Airport, immediate access to Highways 407 and 401, visibility, room to expand and the ability to accommodate surface parking. As a result of attracting multinational companies that are well-designed, clean and environmentally friendly, this area has evolved into one of the GTA’s most prestigious business parks. Developers and landowners like Kaneff, Tiovest and DG Group are looking for potential tenants.
Major Employers: Loblaw Companies Ltd. (HQ), Maple Lodge Farms (HQ), Amazon, Canon Canada Inc. (HQ), Technicolor Canada Inc., Air Canada Operational Centre, Medtronic Canada Ltd. (HQ), Kaneff Group of Companies (HQ), Jarden Consumer Solutions, Kuehne and Nagel, Survalent Technology Corporation (HQ), Emblem Logistics
3 Hurontario South
Proximity to Hwy 407 and the future Hurontario LRT has made this area, currently characterized by a mix of office, institutional and commercial uses, attractive for redevelopment and investment. Shoppers World, Brampton’s first indoor mall, is being reinvented to accommodate higher-density and pedestrian-friendly environments with complementary employment opportunities. The area includes major institutional uses such as the Brampton Provincial Offences Court, the A. Grenville and William Davis Courthouse and the Peel Region police station, with Sheridan College (Davis Campus) only 5 minutes away.
Major Employers: Rogers, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., Roofmart (HQ), TJX Canada, Olymel, Ford Motors, ABC Technologies, QBD Cooling Systems Inc. (HQ), Almag Aluminum (HQ), Sun Chemicals, IKO Industries, Brannon Steel (HQ), Cardinal Meats (HQ), Mandarin (HQ), Pepsico, Graham Bros Construction Ltd. (HQ), ABB (HQ), The Clorox Company of Canada Ltd. (HQ), Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc. (HQ), Amcor Rigid Plastics
Other Major Employers: Investors Group, People 2.0 (HQ), Simmons Da Silva and Sinton (HQ), Crawford Chondon and Partners LLP (HQ)
4 Central Area
Located along Queen Street, and including the historic downtown, the Central Area is a designated growth centre within the GTA and an important regional node with civic, institutional, cultural and entertainment facilities as well as commercial, employment and residential areas. Although a large part of Queen Street is characterised by low-density strip plazas, a major transformation is underway to turn it into a smart, sustainable and walkable neighbourhood with the amenities and transit connections that are attractive to employers interested in an urban environment. Zoning in the Central Area provides some of the highest density permission in the City.
The downtown is designated as an anchor mobility hub because of the regional transportation connections that converge at the Brampton GO Train Station. In addition to being the cultural and institutional centre of the City with the Rose Theatre, PAMA, City Hall and Peel Memorial, downtown Brampton exemplifies the City’s entrepreneurial spirit as it is home to the new Brampton Innovation District.
The Brampton Innovation District is built around partnerships with post secondary institutions (Ryerson, Algoma and Sheridan College); the downtown is becoming the foundation that entrepreneurs and new businesses need to thrive. From major companies to sector-specific start-ups, you will find commercialization opportunities, incubators, accelerators, amenities and resources that attract new businesses and employers. Find out more at bramptoninnovationdistrict.com
Major Employers: City of Brampton, Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness, Peel Region, Peel Plastic Products Limited (HQ), Maple Leaf Consumer Foods, Brafasco (HQ), D and W Forwarders Inc. (HQ), City of Brampton City Hall, Armtec LP, IKO Industries Ltd.
5 Highway 410 South
This employment area, which is primarily zoned industrial (60%) has easy access to Highway 410 and Highway 407.
The majority of businesses in this area work within the manufacturing and wholesale trade industries, with approximately 20 percent of the employers in the area being manufacturers. The vast majority are metal fabricators as well as machinery and chemical manufactuers.
Major Employers: Rogers, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., Roofmart (HQ), TJX Canada, Olymel, Ford Motors, ABC Technologies, QBD Cooling Systems Inc. (HQ), Almag Aluminum (HQ), Sun Chemicals, IKO Industries, Brannon Steel (HQ), Cardinal Meats (HQ), Mandarin (HQ), Pepsico, Graham Bros Construction Ltd. (HQ), ABB (HQ), The Clorox Company of Canada Ltd. (HQ), Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc. (HQ), Amcor Rigid Plastics
6 Bramalea South Gateway
This designated Business Corridor and Industrial area, has led to a mix of manufacturing, retail, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, with over twenty per cent of the employers being manufacturers. Located just north of Highway 407, and the Pearson International Airport, these lands the Bramalea GO Station, making it a prime redevelopment and investment opportunity with two-way GO service anticipated by 2024.
Canadian Tire Distribution Centre is a major landowner in the area with over 80 acres of land.
Major Employers: Canadian Tire (Distribution Centre), Matcor Automotive Inc., Taro Pharmaceuticals Inc., Massiv Die-Form, Polar Pak Co. (HQ), Sofina Foods Inc., Velcro Canada Inc., Brampton Engineering (HQ), Aircraft Appliances & Equipment Ltd., The Crump Group Inc. (HQ), Maplehurst Bakeries Inc.
7 Highway 410 North
Highway 410 North Business Park is located in North Brampton near Highway 410 and Mayfield Road. The site area is approximately 420 acres with a mix of both industrial and commercial uses. Over 170 acres are currently zoned for industrial purposes and 20 acres are available for commercial use such as major office developments. Several vacant employment land parcels are still available for development in this business park. A majority of the land is currently owned by DG Group/Metrus or Emery Investments.
Major Employers: The area has been occupied by major automotive dealers such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen, Infinity, Honda, BMW, Land Rover and Jaguar. However, there is vacant land available for major office or industrial developments.
8 Airport Intermodal
The Airport Intermodal Business Park represents one of the most mature and largest clusters of employment, with a mix of office, manufacturing, logistics and commercial and over fifty percent of the area zoned for industrial use. A large percentage of the lands are occupied; however, there is evidence of reinvestment given its primary location, with easy access Pearson International Airport, CN Intermodal and Highways 407 and 427 within less than a 10-minute drive away.
Major Employers: FCA Canada Inc., Dynacare (HQ), Give & Go Prepared Foods, HBC (HQ), Triple M Metal LP (HQ), M-O Freight Works (HQ), Hydroform Solutions, Data Communications Management (HQ), MDA Robotics and Automation, Canadian Blood Services, CN Intermodal (HQ), Skjodt-Barrett (HQ), FGF Brands, WG Pro-Manufacturing Inc. (HQ), Entertainment One (HQ), Aluminart Products Ltd. (HQ), Italpasta Ltd. (HQ), Sleep Country (HQ), Stackteck (HQ), Unilever Canada, Schenker of Canada Limited, Packall Packaging Inc. (HQ), Iron Mountain, Android Ind. (HQ), Santa Maria Foods (HQ), BMP Metals (HQ), Magna – Cosma International HQ, Nahanni Steel (HQ), Sew-Eurodrive (Cdn HQ)
9 Bram East
This Brampton gateway features over 100 acres currently zoned for commercial and another 100 acres zoned for industrial uses. High-density mixed-use developments with office and commercial uses are anticipated for the lands north of Queen with developers like TACC and Trinistar actively looking for tenants. South of Queen Street, Panattoni Development are looking for tenants to fill over 30 acres of industrial space that will be available by the end of 2021. This premier Brampton location is strategically located in proximity to Highways 427 and 407, Pearson International Airport, and the CN and CP Intermodal terminals, in addition to being along a major intensification corridor and serviced by Brampton’s premier transit service (Züm), which will be upgraded to a full rapid transit standard within the next 10 years.
Major Employers: Plexxis Software Inc (HQ), Downsview Plumbing Limited (HQ), Multivac Canada Inc., EM Plastic and Electric Products Ltd. (HQ), TMC Restoration (HQ), Shepherd Thermoforming and Packaging (HQ), Tritech Financial Systems Inc. (HQ)
10 Highway 427
This northeast area of Brampton occupies the newest greenfield employment development area with servicing imminently available and proposed prestige industrial uses in the pipeline. Experienced developers such as Orlando Corporation, First Gulf Development Corporation, Prologis Inc. and Goldpark are currently looking for potential tenants or companies to own land. These developers are well versed in providing innovative spaces and unique land opportunities to suit any potential investor. This area is designated for office, prestige industrial and logistics. The land is well-positioned for office and industrial uses given their proximity to CP Intermodal, CN Intermodal, the Pearson Airport and future extension of Hwy 427. Smaller parcels of land also remain available to the northwest of this area for those investors looking to consolidate.
Major Employers: Air and Oceanland Inc. (HQ), Pilen Construction of Canada Limited (HQ), Roma Fence Ltd. (HQ), Terrapave Construction Corp (HQ), Protosteel Industries Ltd. (HQ), Cadetta Concrete and Drain Ltd. (HQ)
North West Sandalwood
The North West Sandalwood business park is primarily zoned for industrial use (70%).is located north of Bovaird Drive and west of Hurontario Street. It occupied approximately thirty acres of available and highly sought after vacant industrial lands at the southwest corner of Sandalwood Parkway and Hurontario Street.
Major Employers: Alectra Utilities, Canadian Tire Distribution Centre, Sotawall Inc. (HQ), Day and Ross Inc., Dymin Steel, Brampton Brick Limited (HQ), A. Berger Precision Ltd., The Stevens Company (HQ), Armacell Canada Inc., The Peelle Company Ltd. (HQ), The Fashion Distributors (HQ), Performance Auto Group (HQ), Itwal Ltd. (HQ), Vulsay Industries (Safety Kleen)
Bram West
Much of the lands are already zoned and/or designated, in addition to being well-serviced, to accommodate major office and industrial development. Amenities in the area include prestigious golf courses such as the Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre, restaurants, retail and other service commercial uses. The Bram West business park remains popular for a number of reasons, including its proximity to the Airport, immediate access to Highways 407 and 401, visibility, room to expand and the ability to accommodate surface parking. As a result of attracting multinational companies that are well-designed, clean and environmentally friendly, this area has evolved into one of the GTA’s most prestigious business parks. Developers and landowners like Kaneff, Tiovest and DG Group are looking for potential tenants.
Major Employers: Loblaw Companies Ltd. (HQ), Maple Lodge Farms (HQ), Amazon, Canon Canada Inc. (HQ), Technicolor Canada Inc., Air Canada Operational Centre, Medtronic Canada Ltd. (HQ), Kaneff Group of Companies (HQ), Jarden Consumer Solutions, Kuehne and Nagel, Survalent Technology Corporation (HQ), Emblem Logistics
Hurontario South
Proximity to Hwy 407 and the future Hurontario LRT has made this area, currently characterized by a mix of office, institutional and commercial uses, attractive for redevelopment and investment. Shoppers World, Brampton’s first indoor mall, is being reinvented to accommodate higher-density and pedestrian-friendly environments with complementary employment opportunities. The area includes major institutional uses such as the Brampton Provincial Offences Court, the A. Grenville and William Davis Courthouse and the Peel Region police station, with Sheridan College (Davis Campus) only 5 minutes away.
Major Employers: Rogers, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., Roofmart (HQ), TJX Canada, Olymel, Ford Motors, ABC Technologies, QBD Cooling Systems Inc. (HQ), Almag Aluminum (HQ), Sun Chemicals, IKO Industries, Brannon Steel (HQ), Cardinal Meats (HQ), Mandarin (HQ), Pepsico, Graham Bros Construction Ltd. (HQ), ABB (HQ), The Clorox Company of Canada Ltd. (HQ), Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc. (HQ), Amcor Rigid Plastics
Other Major Employers: Investors Group, People 2.0 (HQ), Simmons Da Silva and Sinton (HQ), Crawford Chondon and Partners LLP (HQ)
Central Area
Located along Queen Street, and including the historic downtown, the Central Area is a designated growth centre within the GTA and an important regional node with civic, institutional, cultural and entertainment facilities as well as commercial, employment and residential areas. Although a large part of Queen Street is characterised by low-density strip plazas, a major transformation is underway to turn it into a smart, sustainable and walkable neighbourhood with the amenities and transit connections that are attractive to employers interested in an urban environment. Zoning in the Central Area provides some of the highest density permission in the City.
The downtown is designated as an anchor mobility hub because of the regional transportation connections that converge at the Brampton GO Train Station. In addition to being the cultural and institutional centre of the City with the Rose Theatre, PAMA, City Hall and Peel Memorial, downtown Brampton exemplifies the City’s entrepreneurial spirit as it is home to the new Brampton Innovation District.
The Brampton Innovation District is built around partnerships with post secondary institutions (Ryerson, Algoma and Sheridan College); the downtown is becoming the foundation that entrepreneurs and new businesses need to thrive. From major companies to sector-specific start-ups, you will find commercialization opportunities, incubators, accelerators, amenities and resources that attract new businesses and employers. Find out more at bramptoninnovationdistrict.com
Major Employers: City of Brampton, Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness, Peel Region, Peel Plastic Products Limited (HQ), Maple Leaf Consumer Foods, Brafasco (HQ), D and W Forwarders Inc. (HQ), City of Brampton City Hall, Armtec LP, IKO Industries Ltd.
Highway 410 South
This employment area, which is primarily zoned industrial (60%) has easy access to Highway 410 and Highway 407.
The majority of businesses in this area work within the manufacturing and wholesale trade industries, with approximately 20 percent of the employers in the area being manufacturers. The vast majority are metal fabricators as well as machinery and chemical manufactuers.
Major Employers: Rogers, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., Roofmart (HQ), TJX Canada, Olymel, Ford Motors, ABC Technologies, QBD Cooling Systems Inc. (HQ), Almag Aluminum (HQ), Sun Chemicals, IKO Industries, Brannon Steel (HQ), Cardinal Meats (HQ), Mandarin (HQ), Pepsico, Graham Bros Construction Ltd. (HQ), ABB (HQ), The Clorox Company of Canada Ltd. (HQ), Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc. (HQ), Amcor Rigid Plastics
Bramalea South Gateway
This designated Business Corridor and Industrial area, has led to a mix of manufacturing, retail, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, with over twenty per cent of the employers being manufacturers. Located just north of Highway 407, and the Pearson International Airport, these lands the Bramalea GO Station, making it a prime redevelopment and investment opportunity with two-way GO service anticipated by 2024.
Canadian Tire Distribution Centre is a major landowner in the area with over 80 acres of land.
Major Employers: Canadian Tire (Distribution Centre), Matcor Automotive Inc., Taro Pharmaceuticals Inc., Massiv Die-Form, Polar Pak Co. (HQ), Sofina Foods Inc., Velcro Canada Inc., Brampton Engineering (HQ), Aircraft Appliances & Equipment Ltd., The Crump Group Inc. (HQ), Maplehurst Bakeries Inc.
Highway 410 North
Highway 410 North Business Park is located in North Brampton near Highway 410 and Mayfield Road. The site area is approximately 420 acres with a mix of both industrial and commercial uses. Over 170 acres are currently zoned for industrial purposes and 20 acres are available for commercial use such as major office developments. Several vacant employment land parcels are still available for development in this business park. A majority of the land is currently owned by DG Group/Metrus or Emery Investments.
Major Employers: The area has been occupied by major automotive dealers such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen, Infinity, Honda, BMW, Land Rover and Jaguar. However, there is vacant land available for major office or industrial developments.
Airport Intermodal
The Airport Intermodal Business Park represents one of the most mature and largest clusters of employment, with a mix of office, manufacturing, logistics and commercial and over fifty percent of the area zoned for industrial use. A large percentage of the lands are occupied; however, there is evidence of reinvestment given its primary location, with easy access Pearson International Airport, CN Intermodal and Highways 407 and 427 within less than a 10-minute drive away.
Major Employers: FCA Canada Inc., Dynacare (HQ), Give & Go Prepared Foods, HBC (HQ), Triple M Metal LP (HQ), M-O Freight Works (HQ), Hydroform Solutions, Data Communications Management (HQ), MDA Robotics and Automation, Canadian Blood Services, CN Intermodal (HQ), Skjodt-Barrett (HQ), FGF Brands, WG Pro-Manufacturing Inc. (HQ), Entertainment One (HQ), Aluminart Products Ltd. (HQ), Italpasta Ltd. (HQ), Sleep Country (HQ), Stackteck (HQ), Unilever Canada, Schenker of Canada Limited, Packall Packaging Inc. (HQ), Iron Mountain, Android Ind. (HQ), Santa Maria Foods (HQ), BMP Metals (HQ), Magna – Cosma International HQ, Nahanni Steel (HQ), Sew-Eurodrive (Cdn HQ)
Bram East
This Brampton gateway features over 100 acres currently zoned for commercial and another 100 acres zoned for industrial uses. High-density mixed-use developments with office and commercial uses are anticipated for the lands north of Queen with developers like TACC and Trinistar actively looking for tenants. South of Queen Street, Panattoni Development are looking for tenants to fill over 30 acres of industrial space that will be available by the end of 2021. This premier Brampton location is strategically located in proximity to Highways 427 and 407, Pearson International Airport, and the CN and CP Intermodal terminals, in addition to being along a major intensification corridor and serviced by Brampton’s premier transit service (Züm), which will be upgraded to a full rapid transit standard within the next 10 years.
Major Employers: Plexxis Software Inc (HQ), Downsview Plumbing Limited (HQ), Multivac Canada Inc., EM Plastic and Electric Products Ltd. (HQ), TMC Restoration (HQ), Shepherd Thermoforming and Packaging (HQ), Tritech Financial Systems Inc. (HQ)
Highway 427
This northeast area of Brampton occupies the newest greenfield employment development area with servicing imminently available and proposed prestige industrial uses in the pipeline. Experienced developers such as Orlando Corporation, First Gulf Development Corporation, Prologis Inc. and Goldpark are currently looking for potential tenants or companies to own land. These developers are well versed in providing innovative spaces and unique land opportunities to suit any potential investor. This area is designated for office, prestige industrial and logistics. The land is well-positioned for office and industrial uses given their proximity to CP Intermodal, CN Intermodal, the Pearson Airport and future extension of Hwy 427. Smaller parcels of land also remain available to the northwest of this area for those investors looking to consolidate.
Major Employers: Air and Oceanland Inc. (HQ), Pilen Construction of Canada Limited (HQ), Roma Fence Ltd. (HQ), Terrapave Construction Corp (HQ), Protosteel Industries Ltd. (HQ), Cadetta Concrete and Drain Ltd. (HQ)
Quick facts by the numbers
Population projections: 650,000-
890,000 (2019-2041) 36% increase
Number of businesses: over 73,000
Land area: 266 sq. km
Population density: 2,462 people/sq. km2
Average annual growth rate:
13% (2011-2016)
Estimated household income:
$110,100 (2019)
Unemployment rate:
4.9% (2019 Region of Peel)
Estimated vacant land: 2,800 acres
Retail space: 20 million sq. ft.
Office space: 5 million sq. ft.
Industrial space: 98 million sq. ft.

Site Selection
This map-based web application tool provides a listing of select industrial and office development and redevelopment properties that are either for sale or lease in Brampton.

Research & Data
The Brampton Investment Office is committed to providing the latest information on the Industrial and Commercial marketplace in Brampton. This is the place to find current business resources, research, information, reports, statistics and demographics.

New Developments
Keep up to-date on everything you need to know regarding new developments and the City of Brampton.

Innovation District
Brampton is building an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem – and it’s all happening in the heart of Downtown Brampton.

Investment Services
As one of Canada’s fastest-growing cities and a designated provincial growth centre, Brampton offers unparalleled development opportunities and long-term incentives for business investment.

Foreign Direct Investment
As a growing urban city centre, Brampton’s diverse talent pool, location and infrastructure provide the perfect opportunity for foreign investors.

See what incentives your business can qualify for when you locate to Brampton.

Revitalization & CIP
The Central Area Community Improvement Plan (CIP) establishes a toolbox of programs designed to support specific planning objectives by aligning financial incentives with the identified planning goals.