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The City of Brampton successfully concluded a virtual investment mission to the United Kingdom and Ireland, focused on cybersecurity, medtech and food innovation. As this was a virtual mission, meetings and events were held from December 2021 to February 2022. Led by Mayor Brown and Councillor Singh, the mission launched with a panel presence from Brampton at a global cybersecurity conference facilitated by Ibec (Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group).

The United Kingdom is Canada’s second largest services trading partner, following the United States, Canada and Ireland have celebrated 80 years of diplomatic relations. Brampton has several businesses with connections to the Ireland and UK markets such as Medtronic, MDA Space, Unilever, Kerry Canada, and Stevens.

Brampton’s growing innovation and technology sector is full of opportunities for global businesses. With access to diverse highly skilled workforce talent, our connectivity to the North American market remains a compelling value offer for businesses looking at expansion opportunities. Additionally, the Brampton Innovation District offers an ecosystem to rapidly scale international tech start-ups.

The events of the mission included participating in pre-mission briefings with the High Commission of Canada in London including The Honourable Ralph Goodale, the Embassy of Canada in Dublin with Ambassador Nancy Smyth, Ontario’s new Agent General to the UK and Sophia Arvanitis. Scotland participation included the Scottish Government office and the Inverness Chamber of Commerce.

The City is building international bridges for Brampton’s Innovation District by connecting with world leading cyber associations, and business associations for technology, medtech and food innovation. Cyber in particular is a priority sector as Brampton looks to develop relationship with the London Office of Rapid Cybersecurity Advancements (LORCA).

The Economic Development Office engaged with industry associations and their members that resulted in successful events generating investment opportunities. A virtual greeting from Mayor Brown was presented at the annual business lunch of the Canada-UK Chamber of Commerce shown to over 90 Chamber members and guests.

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