​What’s Happening at McArter Lane?

November 19, 2017

On Saturday November 4, the City of Brampton’s Planning Vision team, took over McArter lane and transformed it into an active and vibrant space filled with music, coffee, seating and literature for people of all ages.

The take-over is referred to as “tactical urbanism,” a collection of low-cost, temporary changes to the built environment, intended to improve local neighbourhoods and city gathering places. Antonietta Minichillo, project manager for the Planning Vision, described the event as the start of an exciting way to illustrate the potential of spaces and encourage the public to try out their ideas on how to make their City safer, healthier, happier and more vibrant. This action-based approach to neighbourhood building can spark long-term change.

Any group interested in supporting this “tactical urbanism” initiative are welcome to take over a space in the city for a few hours or a day. Please contact the city at 905-874-3444 to discuss further.