An Economic Development Plan Leading us into 2041

January 11, 2018

The City of Brampton is developing an Economic Development Master Plan, as part of the overall strategic plan to support the City’s economic future.

The result will be an economic development roadmap, identifying opportunities, challenges and activities reaching out to 2041. It will also provide recommendations for short and long-term actions to guide economic growth and future collaboration within the City, the business community, and with its post-secondary institutions.

Leading the work is a steering committee comprised of City of Brampton officials, two Councillors and six business and community representatives. The City has also hired Ernst & Young to take on some of the critical analysis of the Master Plan work.

There are several main components:
​A study of the major economic, demographic, technological and social opportunities and challenges impacting the City’s long term economic development and business growth;Examining municipal, business and post-secondary collaborations;A review of analyses and insights gained from other past and current economic studies of relevance to Brampton’s economic, demographic and social forecasts;Consultation with Brampton business and community leaders through focus group sessions; and A focused analysis of six comparator cities from around the world.
Comparator Cities
Ernst & Young was retained to undertake a very focused examination of six selected municipalities across North America and Europe.

1.Austin, Texas
2.Columbus, Ohio
3.Charlotte, North Carolina
4.Surrey, British Columbia
5.Oslo, Norway
6.San Jose, California

These cities were selected based on past and future growth trends, similarities to Brampton in terms of demographics and economics, or special, attractive characteristics.

Over the next months, Ernst & Young will contact officials, business and post-secondary leaders in each comparator city to discuss and examine the following:
​Key economic, demographic and social trends; The respective roles of the municipality, the business community and post-secondary institutions in achieving growth;How any constraints or market challenges were overcome to achieve sustained growth;Key economic themes, including workforce development/talent, public and private investment, innovation and technology, employment lands, and competitiveness; Collaboration and decision making approaches between municipal officials, business leaders and post-secondary leaders to support growth; andFuture trends
Focus Groups
The City has scheduled focus group sessions to engage with the business and community leaders on long-term strategic efforts to build and sustain the kind of economic growth and quality of life all Bramptonians want.
October 26 (complete)Dec 12 (complete)Feb 13
The information collected from the focus group sessions and comparator cities will be synthesized into concrete, short and long-term recommendations and actions and will be presented to Council in Q2 of 2018 for approval.

Online Survey
If you would like to participate in an online survey click here​

For more information, please contact Andrea Williams at or 905.874.3577 ​​​