Audacious Solutions Wanted

March 14, 2018

Are you someone who wants to change the world? Do you think like an entrepreneur? Love research like an academic? Have really big ideas or live to learn? Then join the City of Brampton on March 25 for a weekend of knowledge-sharing and intense real-world problem solving at theSmart Cities Hackathon.

TheSmart Cities Challenge is a competition empowering communities across the country to address local issues their residents face through the use of data and connected technology.

Brampton’sSmart Cities Hackathon is one way we are rising to this challenge. It is a platform for bold ideas and driven individuals to actively problem-solve using technology as a tool for innovation. We want to bring together entrepreneurs, students, members of government and experts in tech, to discuss and act on the pivotal point between technology and urbanization.

The hackathon is an opportunity to get new perspectives from fresh talent and inspire them, as well as allow students to interact with and learn from professionals already in the smart-tech industry.

Successful teams need to balance technology gurus, business and finance geeks, data analysis experts, and product managers. Talented designers will also be necessary to maximize solution aesthetics and presentations.

Want to Attend?

When is it?
From 8:30am March 25 until 9:30 pm


A new product idea complete with an holistic business model.

First place prize up to $2,000 in value