
Brampton Is Now was strategically designed to communicate and drive the initiatives outlined in the Brampton Economic Development Master Plan. It highlights Brampton’s position as a world-class city; a city that is driven, talented, creative, young, diverse, competitive and innovative.

Our city is on the verge of a significant and deliberate transformation. In fact, it’s already shifting into something exciting. We’re on our way to becoming a major urban centre. That’s what Brampton Is Now embodies. With our new economic roadmap, Brampton will become a top-tier destination. It’s a place where people want to live and make a living. A global leader in innovation, talent, jobs and investment. We are energized with new knowledge and inspired by new ways of thinking. We are prioritizing innovation through ORIGINALITY, talent through our ACCOMPLISHMENTS and competitiveness through our DRIVE to succeed and be the best.

Defined by its energy and potential. Brampton is shifting, and it’s all happening NOW.

Brampton is Nowvideo​

Click here for full details of the Master PlanBrampton Is Now.​​ ​​​

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