Change in vacancy rebate program

March 1, 2018

​Change in vacancy rebate program

Vacant commercial and industrial buildings are typically eligible for a rebate of a portion of property taxes. As a result of the newOntario Regulation 581/17, there are changes that will apply to the processing of the 2017 commercial and industrial vacant unit rebate applications.

What is changing?
• For the 2017 tax year, the current rebate of 30 per cent continue to be available;
• For the 2018 tax year, the rebate will be reduced to 20 percent;
• For the 2019 tax year, the rebate will be reduced to 10 percent; and
• For the 2020 and subsequent tax years, the program will be discontinued.

Application Forms, Requirements and Deadlines
A copy of the application and full description of the program requirements are available by clickinghere.
Have questions? Contact the Tax Services at 311, or if calling outside the City limits call 905.874.2000.
For more details on the program, visitRegion of Peel’s website.