Doing Business with the City – Reverse Tradeshow and Seminars

March 1, 2018

​​The City of Brampton is hosting a Reverse Tradeshow and seminars to help connect you with the people, tools and processes for doing business with the City. If you have goods or services you would like to sell to the City of Brampton, but are unsure how to do that, then mark Thursday, March 22 in your calendar.
Representatives from City divisions will be at tables at the Reverse Tradeshow, to be held in the Conservatory at City Hall. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with City staff as well as the City’s online procurement system provider, BidsandTenders.

Short seminars, running concurrently with the Reverse Tradeshow, will be offered as well. You’ll be able to find out about how to do business with the City, and the ins and outs of the BidsandTenders system.

Please register your attendanceonline.

Each year, the City spends more than $200M on goods, services and construction. Expanding the City’s list of vendors allows for more competitive pricing, greater selection and better potential value, while providing more opportunities for local and regional businesses. The City’s goal is to conduct an effective and transparent procurement process ensuring equitable treatment of vendors, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity in the process.

If you are looking to sell your goods and services to the City, make sure you sign up on our eProcurement This allows you to review, download and submit bids online in a convenient way, any day, any time.

Reverse Tradeshow and Seminar details:
Where and when?
Thursday, March 22 from 3 – 6 pm
The Conservatory, City Hall
2 Wellington Street West, Brampton
Parking available beneath City Hall off George Street

Who will be there?
Representatives from many City of Brampton Divisions, including: Fire & Emergency Services, Recreation, Animal Services, I.T., Building Design & Construction, Transit, Facility Ops & Maintenance, Capital Works, Maintenance Ops & Fleet.
Staff from BidsandTenders, the City’s online purchasing system will also be present.

What are the seminars about?
Four seminars are planned (approximately 30 minutes each) in rooms WT-2C and WT-2D. Signage will guide you from the Conservatory to the seminar rooms.
3:30 to 4 pm – “How to Do Business with the City”
4 to 4:30 pm – “How to submit a Bid via BidsandTenders”
4:30 to 5 pm – “How to Do Business with the City”
5 to 5:30 pm – “How to submit a Bid via BidsandTenders”