Let’s Get to Know Our Brampton Businesses! Please provide your input into our 2019 Employer Survey

March 25, 2019

Let’s get to know our Brampton businesses! Provide your input into our 2019 Employer Survey for a chance to win a $25 gift card! Answer a few simple questions, in ten minutes or less, and you will be included in a draw for one of 20 gifts cards that will take place August 31st, 2019.
The Brampton Economic Development Office (EDO) is gathering information from all local businesses. Once every two years, the EDO collects business data such as address, key contacts, number of employees, etc. as part of the Brampton Employer Census research program.

How can you be involved

The EDO encourages all local businesses to complete the “2019 Official Brampton Business Update Form”. The business update form can be viewed and downloaded here by using Internet Explorer (please note this survey is only compatible with Internet Explorer):http://www.brampton.ca/EN/Business/economic-development/Research-and-Data/Documents/Business%20Update%20Form.pdf

How your data helps

We need your help to make Brampton better! The data collected through this initiative provides a snapshot of Brampton’s business community, which allows EDO to develop a focused business retention and expansion strategy and assists in the attraction of new industries. The EDO also uses the data to make an in-depth analysis of companies and help shape municipal policy and comment on upper tier governments’ formulation of new policy. Brampton business census data are also used to review and monitor industry sectors. Sectorial analysis provides insights into industries that have a strong presence in the city and others that may benefit from support and development.

How your data is shown

Please complete the “2019 Official Brampton Business Update Form” to the best of your ability and submit it to the Economic Development Office(you’ll find the contact info in the survey). Part of the survey results will become open data for public review. However, your responses will be kept confidential if requested.

If you have any questions or require additional information about the Brampton Employer Census, please do not hesitate to contact Economic Development Office directly at 905-874-2004 oredo@brampton.ca​. ​