A $30 million investment is coming to Brampton for the Roger’s Cybersecure Catalyst

June 18, 2019

Another transformational initiative establishes the city’s position on the Innovation Corridor

On June 14, 2019, Mayor Patrick Brown, on behalf of Brampton City Council, welcomed a significant investment by the Government of Canada in Cybersecure Catalyst, an initiative led by Ryerson University in partnership with the City, the Royal Bank of Canada and Rogers Communications Inc.

The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, announced funding of $10 million towards the establishment of the Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst in downtown Brampton. Rogers Communications has pledged $10 million, the City of Brampton has committed $5 million over the next five years and the Royal Bank of Canada another $5 million towards the initiative.

This exciting development is the result of the ongoing collaboration between Ryerson University and the City, to make Brampton a destination for learning and innovation. Scheduled to open at Brampton City Hall by November this year, the Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst will focus on skilling up current cybersecurity professionals and supporting cybersecurity companies in this city, and across Ontario and Canada. Ryerson University is also offering cybersecurity courses through its Chang School of Continuing Education at Brampton City Hall.

This announcement follows other major recent investments in downtown Brampton. In May, Brampton City Council approved three transformational initiatives, including the Centre for Innovation, Downtown Transit Terminal and Hurontario Main Light Rail Transit.


“As we continue to build a City of Opportunities as part of our 2040 Vision, I would like to thank the Government of Canada, Rogers and Royal Bank of Canada, for supporting the Ryerson University-led Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst and establishment of a national centre for cybersecurity in Brampton. We are looking to unlock the potential of the downtown and prioritize economic growth and jobs. With this joint venture we aim to ensure that we have the talent, resources and research to meet the increasing demands of the growing global threat of cybersecurity.”

– Mayor Patrick Brown

“We are thrilled to be founding Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst in Brampton, and we are grateful for the support of the Mayor, City Council and city staff for their collaboration and support. Brampton is a vital centre for innovation and technology development, and we are looking forward to working closely with Brampton’s business community, post-secondary institutions and residents to make the city a Canadian hub for cybersecurity innovation and collaboration.”

– Charles Finlay, Executive Director, Cybersecure Catalyst