Ontario Helping Young People Find Jobs

May 11, 2018

​Province Supporting Youth Employment and Small Businesses with New Hiring Incentive

Ontario is investing $124 million to help youth aged 15 to 29 find a job through the Employing Young Talent Incentive.

Brampton employers have the opportunity to access financial incentives through the government of Ontario to hire youth aged 15 to 29.

Jeff Leal, Minister Responsible for Small Business, made the announcement on April 3rd at Morello’s Independent Grocer in Peterborough alongside Mitzie Hunter, Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development.

The Employing Young Talent Incentive helps young people find jobs by offering:

• Small businesses with less than 100 employees, an initial $1,000 incentive upon hiring and an additional $1,000 retention incentive after six months for each youth hired through Employment Service.

• Business owners of any size an initial $1,000 incentive after three months of hiring, followed by an additional $1,000 retention incentive after six months, for hiring youth who face barriers to employment through the Youth Job Connection program.

For further information, please visithttps://www.ontario.ca/page/hire-young-person.