Share your bright ideas for our brilliant future

September 19, 2017

​Brampton has the right ingredients to be a future ready city. We have a lot going for us, from our location at the centre of Canada’s innovation super-corridor, to our diverse, educated, rapidly growing population that is one of the youngest in the country.

The City is developing a vision to position Brampton as a magnet for jobs and innovation and a sustainable future city that supports business growth and investment. This means thinking bigger about what Brampton can – and will – be in 5, 10, 25 years and beyond. We’re excited about Brampton’s brilliant future, but we need your bright ideas to help us get there.

As someone who works or invests in Brampton, what does the future of Brampton look like to you? What do you love about this city – what would you love to change? What would make it easier for you to do business here? What do you think would help make us a key player on the global stage?

Visit and tell us. Share your story, upload photos and videos, and vote on ideas that others have shared. You can also send us your ideas or questions through Twitter or Facebook, or by

We want to better understand the different perspectives on the opportunities in Brampton, and the input from our business community is vitally important. Your ideas are going to help shape the vision for Brampton’s future. We look forward to hearing them.